Creekbay Black Garlic Black garlic super-tasty

Black garlic super-tasty

black garlic have a lot of taste when you eat different suppliers,

what black garlic taste like? do you know the real black garlic looks like?

Black garlic has a soft taste, sweet and sour without irritation.

After eating black garlic, it is as soft as jelly, and it does not have the unique smell of raw garlic after eating, and it will not cause adverse irritation to the stomach.

In order to keep the garlic granules a lot of moisture, it is kept in a moist state during the whole production process, and its appearance is similar to that of preserved fruit. This is because the protein contained in garlic is decomposed into amino acids, carbohydrates are decomposed into fructose, and the alliin contained in garlic is completely retained after long-term fermentation and aging.

black garlic
black garlic

Out side of black garlic should be black , but center of bulbs, if want it sweetter, should be brown, thats perfect,